Project-centric collaboration with both the client and, where necessary, a pool of dedicated, highly experienced freelance specialists.
Continuous, clear communication at every level and between all stakeholders. Ask lots of questions to understand and pose more still to refine the objectives.
True open book accounting, presenting detailed, comprehensive budgets. Profit is derived 100% from fees referenced by time sheets recording every minute spent. Anything bought in is sold on at cost with no mark up. Commissions and kick-backs are rejected, thereby ensuring pursuit of the right solution for the project. Freelancers bill their fee or kit hire direct to you for absolute budget transparency and clear savings. Everyone is presented as who they are when talking to you, so you know exactly who you’re working with and buying from.
Clear roles and responsibilities for all working to detailed plans and standards which set out what needs to be achieved, how and by when. Monitoring and tracking progress keeps the project on-time, on-budget and on-brief. This iterative, incremental lifecycle also provides structure for agility and flexibility, combining frequent and comprehensive review to encourage timely development, and ensuring organisation is maintained no matter what curve ball is thrown!
Plan and manage projects responsibly and sustainably in terms of the environment, the health, safety and wellbeing of those with whom we work, and the local community.